Memories and Stories
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Friends and Family Remember Geoff
Do you have an anecdote to share about Geoff, a fond memory of a funny story? Please join these friends and family members as we together share aspects of Geoff's story.
A Letter to the Kindergarten from the ice camp
In 1987, when Geoff travelled to the ice camp in the Arctic, Ben was in high school and Nora was in kindergarten.
Nora’s kindergarten teacher asked Geoff to write a letter to the class about the adventure.
My Geoff | by Ben Allsup
Geoff was my Geoff
The words hung in the room.
This is how I introduced myself to a respectful gathering.
It was was on a quiet perfect Cape Cod Saturday at Quaker meeting house in early May. My aunt had just previously introduced herself as Judy, Geoff’s little sister. Joel introduced his words with, Geoff was my older brother. The gathering in West Falmouth was for Geoff’s celebration of life.
A Penchant for Picnic Tables | by Kim Allsup
“Look, it’s a picnic table!” These words could have been (and probably were) exclaimed by Geoff while pedaling with Ben through the Canadian Rockies, while driving with Nora and me through the endless Maine forests, while exploring a new-to-us bike path or pond on Cape Cod, or while pulling into a waterfront parking area on Prince Edward Island where the sentence would wrap up with “and it’s in a picnic shelter!”